Redefining God diminishes women

All it takes is one look and an open mind to realize that the danger in Christian America is not the falling away from God, but the redefinition of God. That one look should begin at the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood website.

“Founded in 1987, CBMW is the flagship organization for the complementarian movement. CBMW exists to help Christians and churches discover God’s good plan in Christ for men, women, families, and congregations.”

Begin with the article from past president Owen Strachan:

“The love of even one tiny child swallows a father whole, claims his attention, determines his days. The child, after all, does not want the world’s affection. The world doesn’t even exist yet for the child. The child just wants a father, a father who loves Mom, and that will be enough.”

But, Strachan, your statement is wrong and deliberately ignores the role of the mother. One tiny child needs the mother more than it needs the father, no matter how much papa loves mama. The woman is equipped for feeding and nourishing that baby, whereas the father is not. But that diminishes the role of daddy and does not fit with the so-called “God’s good plan in Christ for men.” By the way, show me where Christ made any comment that supports complementarianism. But what the CBMW statement does is support the Eternal Son Subordination, and, yes, that is also on your site.

Here it is. Read Wayne Grudem’s old argument on the Trinity (Eternal Son Subordination):

Complementarians need this false theory in order to keep women subordinated. In her book, Woman this is WAR!, Jocelyn Andersen exposes complementarian motivation for defending this heretical theology by quoting Charles Stanley, a leading Southern Baptist pastor who supports the subordination of women. In his book, A Man’s Touch, he wrote, “If there is no submission within the Godhead, then there is no basis for complementarianism.” So we see that complementarian’s agenda for female subordination is what drives the Eternal Son Subordination theory.

Wade Burleson, well-known Southern Baptist pastor, had this to say about Southern Baptists’ position on the Trinity on June 15, 2015 on his blog:

“…Southern Baptist leaders have made the tragic error of believing that a husband should rule and a wife should be submissive because the Bible demands it…Truth be known, the Bible calls any desire to control and dominate–be it the husband or the wife—‘the curse.’ Southern Baptist Convention leaders have wrongly pushed for men to lord their authority over their wives, and called on wives to submit to the authority of their husbands because of a belief in and promotion of ‘the eternal subordination of the Son.’”

Burleson goes on to say, “I predict we will see the divorce rate of Southern Baptists decline in the next few years, and it will not be because of cultural accommodation. It will be due to our new leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention laying aside the doctrinal error of eternal subordination.”

However, for Burleson’s prediction to come to pass, there must be new leaders who are willing to lay aside this flawed theology. And they are not going to do it as long as they are lying in bed with the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

Ignoring and diminishing women and their contribution to humanity, limits the kingdom of God, but is accepted theology to those who have as their reason for being, the subjection of all females to all males.

It is 2016. Is your love of female domination greater than your love for the kingdom of God?

About bwebaptistwomenforequality

Shirley Taylor writes with humor and common sense, challenging the church body to reclaim equality for Christian women.
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9 Responses to Redefining God diminishes women

  1. Cindy K says:

    This is totally insane. These men are insane. A nurse midwife friend of mine told me recently that she she once delivered a baby boy who popped out holding his baby man parts with both hands. Perhaps he was afraid that he might lose them along the way on his trip into the wider world. Having recently had that discussion that’s the image that comes into my head when I read this ridiculous kind of statement that a baby just wants a dad. What in blue blazes goes through their heads and why would any of this stuff ever occur to them. To me today, its the verbal equivalent of what that newborn was doing!


  2. Somedaysoon says:

    Shirley, thank you for what you do. I am a member of an OPC church (long story!) and receive their magazine “New Horizons”. On this month’s cover, it is a wide angle shot of all of the men who were at their 2016 General Assembly. Not. One. Woman. A dog in the left hand corner but no women. I would think they should be ashamed of themselves.


    • Somehow we must change that kind of picture. Society has done it, now the church needs to be like Jesus and do it. In fact, Jesus came to change the religious laws and did not concern himself with the civil laws. We are in the place, again, that religious laws must be changed. Thanks for your support. I just had 3 boxes of my books delivered this afternoon and wish that more people would read what is in those books.


    • Cindy K says:

      After doing time in the OPC, I have said that until God gives me leave which will be a miracle or a theophany, I don’t want to go to any Presby church again, save for weddings and funerals.

      I can’t walk on eggshells like that. I just can’t do it. God give you all the grace that you need Somedaysoon.


  3. Nancy2 says:

    Charles Stanley. Would that be the same Charles Stanley whose first wife -ahem- filed for divorce? Oh, yeah. He insisted, “woman, submit”, until the woman walked away, permanently. I don’t think any men (SBC Baptist, anyway) are going to take any complaints from women seriously until we all just walk out of church. I call the SBC the Sanctified Boys Club, anyway!


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