The Biblical Marriage Myth: The Devil Comes Calling

The sun had not yet risen on September 4, 2023, when Dad wakes up after a good night’s sleep. He doesn’t know it, but a Bible Study was just sent out to his local officials, his governor, his state and nationally elected officials, a Bible Study that is deliberately intended to affect his marriage. His wife gets up and starts breakfast and begins to get the kids off to school, and she gets ready to go to work.

Another hectic morning. The coffee maker quit working, and there is no warm water to shower with because the hot water heater is on the blink, and Janie left her lunch at home. Mom and Dad are leaving for their jobs with just enough time to get to work. On her break, Mom will run by the school and give Janie her lunch, call the plumber to repair the hot water heater, arrange for a day off to meet them, and then stop by Walmart on her way home to purchase a new coffee maker.

It doesn’t have to be that way, of course. Mom could be a stay-at-home wife and mother with plenty of time to take Janie her lunch, get a new coffee maker and arrange for the plumber to fix the hot water heater. And if religious fundamentalists (complementarians) have their way, that is what Christian women will be doing. All in the name of God and what they say that the Bible tells them.

That morning, unbeknownst to families across the United States, on September 4, 2023, state and local representatives, governors, congressmen, and international political figures received their weekly Bible Study from Capitol Ministries. This particular Bible Study was by Ralph Drollinger in which he was laying out the dangers of women working outside the home.

The Bible Study that was sent out to all those elected officials suggests that Dad may have been sleeping with the enemy who is acting upon the direction of the Devil.

How to resist the schemes of the Devil” is the title and is published by 69 year old Ralph Kim Drollinger, an American clergyman and retired professional basketball player, and leader of the “White House Bible Study.” He lists three things under the heading Secular Humanism that elected officials must guard against and how the United States must resist against Satan: 1. Same-sex marriage, #2. Women’s Liberation, #3. The New Morality.

Number 2 on his list tells governmental officials that women who are working outside the home are playing into Satan’s scheme to destroy the family and the United States.

#2. Women’s Liberation

“Satan knows that if he can get women out of their intended complementary role to their husbands that he will own the next generation. And that is exactly what is happening in America today. Children desperately need their moms’ attention so that they are not hooked by Satan’s schemes of drugs, sex, slothfulness among other sins, in their formative years, which then often destroy their later productive years. The Women’s Liberation movement largely disconnects God’s plan for child incubation and catechism. Again, if Satan can destroy the family, he can destroy the nation.”

Drollinger is saying that wives are to be submissive to their husbands, (complementary role) have a brood of kids (incubation), stay at home with the kids (Mom’s attention), and teach them how to be Christians (catechism), and if wives do not do that, Satan will come into families and will destroy the family and will also destroy the nation.

WOW! Mom, you have the whole world in your hands. Other than fathering the kids, what responsible part does Dad play in this imagined scenario? What if he wants Mom to work? Who is listening to the Devil now?

Is your married daughter listening to Satan when she works outside the home, or is she helping with finances in her home, and using her God-given abilities, education, and talents to do so? Perhaps she a single mother doing the best she can to make ends meet.

It doesn’t seem to matter to Drollinger why you, your daughter, or your wife works outside the home. What matters to Drollinger is that he claims that women are listening to the Devil when they step outside the home to work. And by listening to the Devil they are destroying families, marriages, and civilization.

Located in Washington, D.C., Capitol Ministries’ long-term vision is to create 200 ministries in 200 foreign nations; 50 ministries in 50 state capitols; ministries to all three branches of government in Washington, D.C.; and 10,000 ministries in 40,000 neighborhoods across America.

Take a moment to think about this. What do they want the United States government, and your local government, and international governments to do about the Devil coming into your home via your working wife? Do they want all women to quit working for pay? What laws will they support being made to bring this about? How does this affect your family? Perhaps this is the Devil you should be worried about.

Ralph Drollinger is bolstered in this belief that the Devil is out to destroy civilization through your working wife by Dr. Wayne Grudem, the architect of the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that was introduced to the world of Christianity in 1987. It was accepted by all Southern Baptist seminaries, both Baptist and non-denominational churches, and other faith based entities. It is the defining statement of faith by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW).

A quick look at the website of the Bible Study shows us what Grudem thinks of this Bible Study: “I am happy to support the excellent work of Ralph and Danielle Drollinger and Capitol Ministries.” Well, I guess he would be glad, since it reflects what is listed on the CBMW website.

Beginning Chapter of my latest book: The Biblical Marriage Myth: The Devil Comes Calling

About bwebaptistwomenforequality

Shirley Taylor writes with humor and common sense, challenging the church body to reclaim equality for Christian women.
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1 Response to The Biblical Marriage Myth: The Devil Comes Calling

  1. motiv8n says:

    This blog post sheds light on a thought-provoking topic. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the long-term consequences of these beliefs about women’s roles and the potential impact on families and society.


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