Who declared the modern day war on women?

Who declared the current war on women? I understand that women were not educated in previous centuries.  I understand that they are the ones who had to give birth, most times to large families.  I understand that they had to care for ill children, cook the food, sew the clothes, and tend the fields and cattle.

But what I want to know is, who declared the war? Because it is a war.

The modern day anointed apostle John Piper fires a shot at women.   He shot out to the world that even the wood the pulpit is made of is more important than a woman, because she cannot stand behind the piece of wood and read scripture. 

The local pastors fire a shot at women.  Strategic sessions on marriage are being held all across the nation in which men are being told that their wives will submit joyfully when the men step up and begin to act like men. 

Movies are being made that tell men that to be Courageous, they have to be in charge of their families, as if the family was not also the responsibility of the wife and mother.  

Some pastors, think Mark Driscoll, have become sex therapists, and even told on his wife in a book about something that happened in high school before their marriage.  He said that he would not have married her if he had known of it.  One pastor, Ed Young, Jr., has how-to sexperiment discussions behind where the pulpit would be for all to see, while he exploits the woman he has declared to love.  I wonder what John Piper thinks about a woman on a bed behind the spot where the pulpit should be? Since it is a pastor dominating a woman I suppose it would be all right in his eyes.

Why have pastors declared war on their wives, the wife they tell us who is to be their helpmeet, and they are to be her loving leader? Why have pastors declared war on their church members who make up over one-half the church, who bring the majority of children to church, and who will come to church and give countless hours in volunteering, even when their husband will not darken the door? Why have pastors declared war on women and subject them to endless proclaimations that they are inferior before God’s eyes, before the church, and inferior in their homes? 

Why do these same pastors post thousands of comments on posts extolling John Piper, explaining why women can’t have authority over men, why women must be silent, and why women are to submit to their husbands?

I want to know who fired the modern day opening shot, but better yet – what I want to know is – why have women surrendered? 

Will you join me in winning this war that is being waged against all women?  To win for those sitting in a pew each Sunday morning, and those women who never step into church, but are affected by what the church teaches.  Will you join me in reclaiming our equality in a modern-day world that has determined to keep women held to the rigid standards of some long ago century?

About bwebaptistwomenforequality

Shirley Taylor writes with humor and common sense, challenging the church body to reclaim equality for Christian women.
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51 Responses to Who declared the modern day war on women?

  1. Mabel says:

    Since the church is mostly run by men, anything that is allowed to happen unchecked is also the work of men. Of course many women joined in, and the rest are mostly enablers.


    • I guess the reason now is WHY? Since the church is already run by men and the women are enablers, why do they twist the knife?


      • Sonnet says:

        That’s a good question. Is it because they see too much good information available outside of their own interpretations of the Bible that debunks their views and some women are leaving? Why is it that the most dangerous time for an abused woman is when she leaves (or is trying to leave) a domestic abuse situation? When the underground railroad was gaining strength, did slave holders increase their tactics of control over their slaves to try to prevent them from running away?


      • It could be that. They are turning the screws to clamp down on us because they think we may be slipping away. Many of us are, and many have already gone. That is a good analolgy about the abused wife leaving and it being the most dangerous time for her.


  2. Mara says:

    The more I listen to Piper, the more I think of the following verses from I Timothy:

    I Timothy 6:3 If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, 4 he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, 5 and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.

    Piper advocates a different doctrine than the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    He is conceited about his manhood and understands nothing concerning the kingdom of heaven.
    He has a morbid interest in gender differences and roles and continually disputes about words, changing and rearranging them in order to support his morbid interest in promoting men over women.
    Because of his morbid interest in propping up men and putting down women, strife, envy, abusive language and evil suspicion results against women. And there is constant friction concerning the positions of women coming from men of depraved mind who are deprived of the truth and who think being manly men in Christianity is a means of gain over their women.

    Shame on you, Piper for your morbid interested in manhood putting down womanhood.


  3. TL says:

    “I want to know who fired the modern day opening shot, but better yet – what I want to know is – why have women surrendered? “

    We know why in ancient times. There was no such thing as work outside of the home. And if a woman displeased a man, he could just kick her out into the streets and keep the children. Thus, women were stuck in a situation of becoming men pleasers in order to survive.

    There may still be some of that today, which is why it is so important for women to get educated and gain skills other than cooking, sewing and cleaning. There are also all those young women who are taught that to survive they must please men.

    My guess would be that whoever coined the term complementarian, and the false slogan “equal in value but different in function (from equal but different – changing its meaning) is the culprit. And that would be the founders of CBMW. I was around the net where they were and listened to many of them discuss it. They wanted to promote patriarchy but the name had a bad rap. So, they wanted something that sounded more acceptable. Complement sounded more acceptable. So, in effect they took the word as bait, and then changed the meaning. The way they use the word is contrary to the real meaning. Christians who believe in mutuality are the real complementarians.


  4. Mabel says:

    TL, Kevin Giles was the one who came up with the word complementarian to describe egalitarians. But Wayne Grudem stole the word. It is all very deceitful. I try not to call them comps. It is hierarchy. John Piper would say one thing and do another, He makes statements like : women thriving in a masculine space,, women are involved in 99.9% of ministry, women are valued, women are encouraged, etc. that makes me think he is hallucinating. In his church, women cannot (1) pray out loud in worship (2) read the scriptures in worship (3) preach. Do these things only make up 0.01% of their ministry? How are women thriving when they can’t even read the Scriptures out loud? Does Piper not know that the Scriptures contain words from women’s mouths? His obsession with gender and control is blinding him. He is lying to himself and lying to others. But, he has tons and tons of followers. Why? Why don’t people see through his contradiction?


  5. Marg says:

    I think Genesis 3:15a provides the answer: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman . . . ”

    I don’t think it’s a modern war, but a modern battle within a very, very, very long war against women. Our fight is not against flesh and blood.

    The modern battle of (hierarchical) complementarianism probably began around 1975 and was boosted in 1977 when George W. Knight published, “The New Testament Teaching on the Role Relationship of Men and Women”. He was one of the first Christian scholars to say that men and women are equal but have different roles.

    Mary Kassian credits Wayne Grudem, John Piper, herself and others (probably in an early meeting of CBMW) for coming up with the term “complementarian” here: http://www.girlsgonewise.com/%E2%80%9Cdora-the-doormat%E2%80%9D-and-other-scary-straw-women-of-complementarity/


    • Mara says:

      Marg: “I don’t think it’s a modern war, but a modern battle within a very, very, very long war against women. Our fight is not against flesh and blood.”

      I’ve often thought this. I’ve often wondered what it would take to make these men (and women) see that they are NOT holding up the gospel and all that is good and godly, but rather are perpetuating the war between the devil and the feminine. They are deep in the trenches on the side of the enemy believing they are engage in a holy war against the enemy. So deluded. So pathetic. It’s nothing short of tragic.


  6. TL says:

    Kassian wrote this:
    “I had to smile, since I remember sitting around a table with John Piper and Wayne Grudem and others, wracking our brains to come up with an apt label to describe the historic Christian teaching on gender. Oh how quickly labels turn into stereotypes!”

    Interesting. In the early nineteen nineties I remember viewing the yahoo group discussions about these round table meetings. But I never heard Kassian’s name. It may have been in the eighties that the term complementarian was first put forth. Not sure. But yes, Grudem and Piper were among the earliest, and later others became involved.


  7. TL says:

    Yes, it is rubbish. The traditional view was that women were inferior to men, less intelligent and prone to being easily deceived. Of course throughout Christian history there have always been more devoted believers who trusted God to be able to use whomsoever the Holy Spirit wished and welcomed it.


    • Kristen says:

      Women surrender because the name of God is used as a weapon against them. “This is God’s will. You don’t want to go against God, do you?”

      It’s one of the worst forms of taking His name in vain– to use its power as a tool to gain power for yourself. People think the 3rd commandment is about swearing. That’s only the tip of the iceberg.


      • TL says:

        As well, some men say “God told me” about everything that comes to their mind in order to bind others (specifically their wives) to their (not God’s) will. This is also a form of using God’s name in vain; saying God said so when He didn’t.

        We are All required to judge, not just men. The concept that women are forbidden to judge the words of prophets feeds the same lie.


      • Sonnet says:

        “It’s one of the worst forms of taking His name in vain– to use its power as a tool to gain power for yourself.”

        Very insightful! Thanks, Kristen.


  8. GoodSense says:

    Why do women think they are right, when they are acting like men in reverse? This complete article and discussion is nothing more than a reversal of view based on based on larger numbers and changes in cultural development. God word stands unchanged forever. Both men and women are great sinner in this situation before both are twisting the bible to get the upperhand. No one is talking about how we need grow in the manner in how we grow in better way to grow and support each other. Women have become the the new Men of the church and they are making the same mistakes men have made forever. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Only the players change!

    Both parties need to be real and understand in many cases, men are trying to hold on to power and women are trying to gain power. And God word has been lost in that battle.


    • Goodsense, I want to reply to your letter by reprinting one of my earlier posts: A few weeks ago, I came across a comment in a blog that women want to be just like men. He said that whatever men could do, these women wanted to do it. He went on to make this ridiculous statement: If all men wanted to do was to sit in church and pick their noses, then the women would jump up and down and scream and holler I want to sit in church and pick my nose, too! I posted this comment in response to that. Women dont want to be equal with men, because that sets men as the standard. Equality allows neither men nor women to be the standard. This has been brought home with the Anthony Weiner story about his tweets. Leonard Pitts had a great article in the newspaper Sunday. He listed names of several well-known men, some of them well-known Christians, who had made the news because of their bad sexual behavior. Mr. Pitts said that as female leaders attempt to shatter the proverbial glass ceiling on bases of fairness and representative government, a case can be made that they are missing the most persuasive argument of all for why we need more women in public life: men. It is hard not to agree with him. He said that women should use the most persuasive argument of all for why we need more women in public life: men. However, in my experience as an advocate for Christian women in church leadership, if women were to say that about men, they would be called men-haters, feminists, and/or homosexuals. Mr. Pitts listed only a few well-known Christian men who became known for their bad sexual behavior, but he could have named many more. Women cant name men as being the reason that we need more women in leadership, but Leonard Pitts knows it is one of the reasons, and so do we. So, please dont make me equal with men. While I know and respect many truly wonderful men, my husband and sons included, I think I want a little higher standard to strive for.


      • TL says:

        “Both parties need to be real and understand in many cases, men are trying to hold on to power and women are trying to gain power.”

        Goodsense, yes and no. Normal power has been refused women, the power to choose freely. So, in that sense women are seeking to have what every man normally has. But moreso, women just want to have the freedom that men have of being able to follow God’s callings upon their lives whatever that may be, even if it is a calling to become a spiritual shepherd, without being accused of such things as seeking power.


  9. Marg says:

    Goodsense, I thought your comment was very interesting and well worth thinking about. I suppose there must be some women who want power in the church, or power over their husbands, but these women are in the minority. I do not personally know of any Christian woman like that.

    Speaking for myself, I would like to be treated as equal to my brothers in the Lord, and be offered the same opportunities and encouragement as men in the church. I do not want to be looked down on and dismissed as second class simply because I am a woman. Nor do I want to be condescendingly patronized.

    Thankfully, I have a husband who sees me as an equal partner. We have no power struggles in our marriage. Neither of us want power over the other; neither of us is the ‘boss’. ( Even typing this thought about ‘power’ makes me uncomfortable. I do not understand why any loving person would want to have power of another person.)


  10. Mabel says:

    Goodsense: not long ago, women could not vote. They fought for the right to vote. Would you accuse them of wanting what men want? or would you encourage them by saying: go for it, sister, it is your right to vote. Not long ago, some people think slaves should be free. Would you accuse the slaves who want to be free as wanting what the free men have? Or would you fight to gain them freedom? We, as women, want to empower our brothers to be ALL that they can be. We, as part of the Body, want to build up each other so that the Body can grow to maturity. I would like to see our brothers want the same for us. We like to be able to (1) pray out loud in a worship service (2) read the Scriptures out loud in a worship service (3) explain the word of God to our brothers and sisters if so gifted. These are but 3 of the many things women are told they cannot do (John Piper’s Desiring God web site). We don’t want to be men. We want to be free to serve God without being shackled by men. We seek not to shackle anyone. I hope you understand.


  11. Kristen says:

    Goodsense, I honestly know of no woman who says, “Only women should be allowed to be church leaders. Men should be contented to teach other men, or the children, but places of authority in the church should be women’s alone.”

    Nor do I know of any message being taught that says, “The wife should be in authority over the husband, and the husband should submit to her authority. Whenever there is a disagreement, the wife should get the final say. The ultimate responsibilty for the home belongs on the wife’s shoulders. She is the prophetess, priestess and queen of the home.”

    Until you start hearing messages like that, then I think your argument that we are acting like men in reverse, holds no water.


  12. GoodSense says:

    Let’s be real, women don’t believe in equality anymore than men. And that is the point! It doesn’t matter whether it is in church, on the job or social groups. And Kristen, you sound like the average man. As for me, I am a male and attend a church that is about 65% female and 35%, the pastor is a male. But, it seems that everything is run by the females in the church. Whether you like it or not, they are hard to get along with and the men don’t don’t seems to want to be bother with that. So, looking at a church that will most likely be 75% and 25% males. Regardless of why this happened, 10 years from now church will mostly be a woman’s club. In all reality, women wonl’t have worry about equality in the church, because mostly that will be all that is in the church.


    • First, let me tell you that I am surprised that you are male. For some reason, I thought you were female. Please accept my sincere apologies. We don’t need any more females, and I certainly wouldn’t want to change your gender. So you want more males in church? I visited a mosque where they have more males in church. But you see, whenever males get together they want to upstage each other, so they push and elbow to the front where they are accommodated with a long row so more males can be on the front row. An Iman told me that. The women were, of course, in the balcony where they were very happy to be. Ten years from now, will you be one of those pushing and shoving to get to the front line so you can curry more favor with God? Goodsense, I believe you have misnamed yourself.


    • Mara says:

      “Whether you like it or not, they are hard to get along with and the men don’t don’t seems to want to be bother with that.”
      This is from your limited perspective and in no way is representative of all churches. One must always be careful of thinking their situation is how it is everywhere.

      “So, looking at a church that will most likely be 75% and 25% males. Regardless of why this happened, 10 years from now church will mostly be a woman’s club. In all reality, women wonl’t have worry about equality in the church, because mostly that will be all that is in the church.”
      And this is pure speculation on your part based on you limited perspective and poor attitude.

      Now I’m going to speculate something from what you have said.
      Perhaps the ladies in your church are hard to get along with because they have learned from the men that hierarchy and position is what church work is all about. And since the ladies can’t have the chiefest of all seats in the house because the men have reserved them for themselves (because of less-than-Christ-like ideas), the ladies have developed some attitudes and less-than-Christ-like ways of trying to NOT be the lowest man on the totem pole.
      If you can speculate then so can I.


    • dthomas says:

      Hi GoodSense, “You say women don’t believe in equality anymore than men”. I think the women in your church are “serving” which women always do, it is our nature and it is all we are able to do in the church. Also, I am sure no one is hindering men from serving in the church if they choose to do so. Who better to take charge and serve than those freely given the title of “leader”? Also, I think women are feeling such an uneasiness in their spirit for two reasons: being kept in a culturally devised spiritual box, and craving the men in the church to truly be models of Christ, be “courageous” if you will and be much much more than what their culturally devised spiritually boxed up roles require them to be. Just my two cents.


    • Kristen says:

      Goodsense, your church experience is not mine. The women in my church are not like that; nor am I. For the rest, my grandmother just died and I’m in no mood to hear your “let’s be real” talk. The 60-40 ratio of female to male is nothing new; it has been that way since the very beginning of the church. Jesus’ teachings have always been most attractive to the disempowered. The first-century Romans mockingly called Christianity “the religion of women and slaves.”
      If churches don’t want people jockeying for power and position, then they need to stop focusing so much on who gets to be in power and who is excluded.


  13. TL says:


    Percentages are not about equality. Its not a math game. Even if most churches were actually 50/50 all of the time, that wouldn’t make things ‘equal’. Most churches are run by males (male pastors, male directors, male elders, male teachers, etc.) while most of the work is done by the females. Females take care of the children, the cleaning, the cooking, the buying of supplies, setting up and cleaning up, and the paperwork and errands,

    But I believe in the principle of equality. Men and women should be involved in leading the church because they bring different perspectives to light. Men and women should do the work together because frankly its more enjoyable that way. Equality isn’t about numbers it is about valuing everyone, being helpful and serving rather than expecting to be served.

    Church shouldn’t be about social clubbing. Christians getting together should be about honoring God together and honoring each other.


  14. Bonnie Wood says:

    Two commandments stand out to me:
    Thou shalt have NO other Gods before me.
    Honor thy Father and thy Mother.
    God stated to us that we are not to put ourselves above Him.
    God also stated “equally” to honor our Father and our Mother, not honor your Father first and when you get around to it honor your Mother. He gave women the right to bear children. She is the first one the baby honors and the first one with whom that same baby will spend most of it’s time. That was God’s choice. Not man’s.


  15. Mara says:

    Good Sense,
    You need to take a look at this.
    This is straight up, left-brained logic using percentages and and plain old common sense.
    Perhaps THIS is the reason the church is feminized, (And in particular the women in YOUR church are competative over what little they ARE allowed to do.)

    Perhaps this is why there are few males at church?

    And now you also may see why men don’t want women to be educated, learn left-brain logic and reason because THEN women can see THROUGH the garbage logic men try to use on women.


    • Kristen says:

      Mara, that’s an excellent link. We should all go over there and encourage that blog owner!

      Hey, Shirley– for some reason I can’t post new comments on this blog any more. I can only reply to existing comments. If a post has no comments posted, I can’t comment. Can you look into it?


      • Hmm, I don’t know what happened. You are most certainly welcome to post new comments. I am not sure how to look into it, but will try. Thanks for all your comments, and thanks for letting me know that there is a problem.


  16. GoodSense says:

    Mara, you just don’t want to deal with what’s in the bible. Maybe you should just write your own new woman’s bible and let it got at that. No matter how much you pull out this recent political corrent stiff, it doesn’t change the end result. Just it admit it, you just want your own woman church. That’s okay with me, just don’t try to cover it up with all that ‘this is straight up, left-brained logic using percentages and and plain old common sense’ justify what you really desire and want. In the end you ain’t talking about spirituality and bibical practice.


    • Goodsense, I understand that you feel threatened by women. Particularly when women claim their God-given equality in the church and in the home. You tell us a lot about yourself when you use words like “your own woman’s bible.” And you want “your own woman church.” Nobody wants a woman church, or woman’s bible. We also don’t want a “man only church.” We never tell men what they can’t do. But we are constantly hearing what women can’t do.


    • Michelle says:

      Actually, the idea that women could use their God-given gifts in their marriage and to serve the church as a whole has been around much longer than the term “politically correct”, and even longer than Katherine Busnhnell’s writings on the subject.

      And the way you ignored the earlier observation about the way egalitarians differ from hierarchical complementarians in that we are NOT claiming that one sex should be in charge of the church or in charge of the home lead me to believe that you are a troll: someone who enjoys visiting places on the Internet and being contrary just to see other people get riled up. Please prove me wrong by posting a substantive response to this post or to the one I refer to in this post.


    • Mara says:

      GoodSense, I deal directly with the BIble.
      ALL OF IT!!!
      Old and New Testament. The Gospels, especially the word of Jesus written in red that are the bedrock of our faith. (you know, those words in red that you ignore)
      I don’t just cherry pick a verse here and there that says what I want it to say like you and Piper and Driscoll and Grudem and every other insecure, small minded man that is looking for a way to put women down in order to raise themselves up and above them and slap a faulty ‘thus saith the Lord’ on it.

      And when I confront you I’m dealing, staight up, with spirituality and biblical practice and exposing the traditions of men that you worship because you like the edge and authority they give you.

      The TRUTH of the words of Jesus are lost on you because you love the fleshly reasonings of men who ignore the entire rest of the Bible, or twist it, to make it say what YOU want it to say rather the TRUTH it speaks.

      So get off you high horse and face the fact you DON’T in any way represent what dealing with the Bible looks like. You are so far away from the central truths of the gospel it’s a joke.
      You are lecturing me from the foundation of sand known as the traditions of men and have built your doctinal house on that shifting sand and not the foundation of Jesus.

      No you, Goodsense (what a misnomer) start dealing with the whole truth and the pure gospel and stop drinking from the well of the false gender gospel you have been poisoned with.
      (Sorry, Shirley, if my rant is inappropiate for your blog. But I get real tired of clueless men who are deluded into thinking that they know the Bible and I don’t)


      • I get to rant all the time. Last night at 8:30 p.m. I had no idea what I was going to blog about this morning. Then I clicked on goodsense’s comment, and it just flowed out of me and thus was born today’s column.


      • Mara says:

        And it was a good post, too.
        Whiny men obsessed with making sure women respect their manhood and putting women in their place are so far away from what a real man is that it’s pathetique.
        AND, men who presume that they know more about the BIble just reveal their arrogance and ignorance.


  17. GoodSense says:

    Quote: Goodsense, I understand that you feel threatened by women.


    I see you go for the easy answers. For crying out loud you give me a good laugh.

    And Maria, I give you a review from another book regarding men in the church by a woman. I should you would say this is not a real woman LOL
    By Kirsten Chaignon – See all my reviewsThis review is from: No More Christian Nice Guy: When Being Nice–Instead of Good–Hurts Men, Women and Children (Paperback)

    I love this book. I admire strength in men and have long wondered who or what had emasculated the men I’ve seen in church. I found Coughlin’s book threw the proverbial lights on for me. I’m a strong woman who grew up with a strong (non-Christian) Scottish father, and I’ve been long irritated by the way men are portrayed in the media through commercials and sitcoms. I also work with special needs students in school and I watch how boys struggle to fit in to the school system, required to sit completely still and work quietly. So many of them are drugged so that they can fit in that little box.

    Some of the guys who have reviewed this book here don’t seem to understand the truth that women are not attracted to simpy men who are all nice and nurturing and have no backbone. You have been lied to by the ultra-feminist. (I absolutely want to recoil from soft-skinned, delicate men. Give me a cabre-tosser anyday).

    I am not surprised there would be a backlash about this book by those who hate masculinity and men in general, since the prevailing, dominating spirit of our age is the Jezebel spirit of control and manipulation (not just found in women), which seeks to make Ahabs and eunuchs out of men. Hopefully men will do as Jezebel’s eunuchs did back then; chuck her out the window!


    • Anne says:

      Are you assuming, like Driscoll, that men who aren’t manly in the worldly sense (yes, I said worldly) are weak and delicate? Are you of the viewpoint that strength and masculinity is defined through machoness? If so, and tell me if you don’t adhere to this view, I have some words for you.

      True strength is quiet. True strength doesn’t need to be boasted about every five minutes or shown off through blood sports and a ‘tough guy’ exterior. It’s deep down inside a person, like a firm foundation, and it’s in reserve for when real challenges emerge. Men (and women) who have this kind of strength know that it’s there, and know that they don’t have to prove anything to anyone else, because when adversary comes (and there will always be a time of adversary) they can use that inner courage to get through. Strength like that can overcome far, far more than bravado can. Bravado can instead, sometimes, be a sign of weakness and insecurity, as it’s a way to make up for what that person is lacking deep inside. It can be a way of making sure others don’t confront them because if someone DOES confront them, they know they won’t be able to handle it.

      With true strength, there is freedom on the surface to be kind and patient, as someone with the spirit of Christ in them would be. Christ himself was exactly those things and more, yet had the strength/courage to go through with his crucifixion.

      This, Goodsense, is Spirit-led manliness.


  18. GoodSense says:

    How I would like to point out you guys that I am not follower of the school of thought of people such as Ed Young, Jr., Mark Driscoll, etc. However, I am not incline to follow the re-write of the Bible such as you guys are trying to do. some of you seems to be as much as an extremist as Young and Driscoll.


    • Michelle says:

      Trolling. So long as we’re not claiming that women should be in charge of, or leading, men, your comparisons fall flat.

      Perhaps it’s time to quit feeding the troll.


    • We are not guys. My husband and I have been married 50 years, and the other women who write are married with husbands and children. We are not trying to rewrite the Bible. Why do you think you are superior to us? Does God give out superiority based on gender. I would think God would be more discriminating than that. Yes, I have short answers. I write 3 blogs a week to enlighten people. 276 so far.


    • Anne says:

      For someone who claims to not be a follower, you do say things that sound awfully similar to their sermons.


    • TL says:

      Claiming that people who you disagree with are ‘re-writing’ Scripture is a disingenuous excuse to appear the high man on the mountain. A more reasonable Christ honoring approach would be to cite the Scriptures you think are not being interpreted properly, showing context, historical understanding and application, and applicable word meanings to support your interpretation.


  19. Red says:

    “The modern day anointed apostle John Piper”
    Hi, I’ve just began reading some of your posts. Thought this statement was hilarious! Glad, I’ve arrived here.:)


    • Well, Red, I am glad you arrived here, too! Welcome. First, let me explain that this is not just a complaining blog. This blog will call you to action. We can write all day long, but until we get out and do something, it won’t change a thing. We are about change. As you can see, I am on the steering team of a Christians for Biblical Equality conference, sponsored by CBE and also by Fuller Theological Seminary, Texas. I invite you to let others know that women are taking action. I also ask you to join us in our Prayer Walk on March 28, 2012. All you need to do is step outside your home and pray for women. You can also inform through facebook, twitter, and your blog to ask others to join in. Again, I welcome you.


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