It is not preaching if you are sitting down – Part 2

You may not have read the comment to the last post ‘Is it preaching if you are sitting down,’ so I am copying it here because it got me to thinking.

Like many of you, I have read Christian fiction novels and heard the gospel preached through those pages.  I just never thought of it in the way Mara Reid (name used by permission) expresses it.

Read what she has to say.

Let me tell you another place women preach while they sit down.

Christian fiction.

Southern women are in the lead in the Christian fiction market. I suggested to one of them that the reason for this is because, traditionally, Southern churches are very restrictive of their women. She heartily agreed.

I’ve seen more than one preacher in these fiction books stand up and give a rousing sermon, as good as any real ones you might hear. But I’ll guarantee you; the words come from the female author, sitting at her computer writing the story. She didn’t run and get her husband or her preacher to come and type them for her. The words were burning in her own heart and would not leave her alone until she published them. But it is preaching nonetheless. And another creative way for women to get around the stupid rules arrogant men make for them.

Let’s hear it for women bloggers and fiction writers and song writers and poets and every other female finding new and creative ways to get the Word of God out.


What an army of preachers!  They are preaching to the choir, certainly.  Men don’t read these novels.  But most preachers who stand up before a congregation each Sunday are preaching to the choir, too.  Look at how few respond to the invitation to accept Christ. 

If any woman is strengthened in her resolve to follow the Lord, or if some woman accidentally picks up one of these novels and hears the gospel preached through the words of the author, then her preaching has been just as effective as a male pastor.  The author will never know the full impact of her words.

The significance of this is that women may have found another way to ‘do church.’  The early day Christians found that when they were no longer welcome in the synagogues on the Sabbath, they started their own worship on Sunday in homes and other meeting places. 

In more recent times, women, denied by their churches, found another way to ‘do church’ when they went to the mission fields. Who knows, but that we haven’t found yet a new way.


(note:  Please read more of what Mara Reid said about these Christian authors in comments at the end of this page).

About bwebaptistwomenforequality

Shirley Taylor writes with humor and common sense, challenging the church body to reclaim equality for Christian women.
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4 Responses to It is not preaching if you are sitting down – Part 2

  1. Mara says:

    Actually, Shirley, they aren’t all preaching to the choir. Some write for secular publishers and have secular audiences. Their messages aren’t as blatant as having a preacher stand up and preach, but their stories and morals have a Christian worldview. Many of them are public speakers.
    And many, if not most of them, DO consider it ministry. They just don’t call it preaching.

    I’ve heard the even though secular publishers are taking a hit in these hard financial times, Christian fiction is still growing. AND many who used to read the secular, even if they aren’t overtly Christian, they are coming to Christian fiction because they are sick of how perverted secular fiction is getting.

    Anyway, the conversation I had was with published authors who are members of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). To learn more about the organization you can go to their home page. They have a section for readers.

    NOTE: ACFW used to be ACRW (American Christian Romance Writers) but had to change it’s name. It was the prarie romances that pioneered Christian fiction. But now there is everything including Science Fiction and “Men’s” fiction,like westerns etc.

    Because, you see, these gracious southern women have not learned bad manners from the men who want to exclude women from ministry. These Christian women have bent over backwards to help new authors, male and female, romance writers and everything else, even genres they don’t particularly like, to get published.

    Sorry, I’m rambling. But God is blessing Christian fiction right now, and I’m sure it has something to do with the beautiful women who pioneered it and continue to encourage and promote new authors.


  2. Mara says:

    Don’t mean to go on and on about this, but I just saw this quote from a Christian author who will remain un-named. Her words could come from any number of Christian authors and is pretty common. They even if they don’t call it preaching or ministry, they take it very seriously and look at Christian fiction as a way to bring God’s healing to both the saved and lost.

    “For me, it comes down to what drew me into writing women’s fiction in the first place. I believe fiction changes lives, encourages the broken hearted and can bring about great healing. Somehow fiction touches a heart in ways that other media cannot. And because my writing is as much prayer-filled as it is manual labor, I trust that God is using me to convey His truth and love to a hurting world.”


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