Dear brothers, repent

“Dear brothers, repent.  For example, what rankles in my own local church context is that women have to ask men for permission. Women have to be allowed to do things. And it is this concentration, use and gate keeping of power that is sinful. 

Dear brothers, repent. Repent and believe the gospel. The Kingdom of God is at hand.”

Those were the words of Richard Beck, Professor and Department Chair of Psychology at Abilene Christian University (Church of Christ).  You can read what he said about gender in his blog here.

It is sinful to deny women their obligation to serve the Lord in whatever way he calls them.  It is a sin to give an earthly husband the power over a woman that only a holy God can have. It is sin to ignore this sin, or to continue in it.

But you won’t hear many egalitarian bloggers say this. You won’t hear them call for repentance. You won’t hear them call for an end to male domination.

Egalitarian bloggers lay out the case. They present it well. But they fail to call for action. We will still be doing this 40 years from now unless we act.  We must act decisively, and aggressively.

When seekers find an egalitarian blog, they have found it because they are looking for a solution.  They have become aware of the problem, and they want help.  Will you give them that help?

Dear brothers, repent.

Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

We have not because we have not asked.  If we want to be effective as egalitarian bloggers, we must ask our readers to do something. We must ask them to talk to their pastor. We must ask them to take a risk. We must ask our readers to get out of the huddle.

Dear brothers, repent.

If you think it is time for repentance from our brothers and sisters in Christ who are still seeking to hold women to a standard that is un-Christlike, which is a standard that elevates males over females, then tell them so.

Dear brothers and sisters who prefer a legalistic set of standards for women, repent.

About bwebaptistwomenforequality

Shirley Taylor writes with humor and common sense, challenging the church body to reclaim equality for Christian women.
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3 Responses to Dear brothers, repent

  1. Pam says:

    There is a subtle movement in this and other countries to separate women fromthe love of God. Satan is busy in these last days and he is trying to discourage women. He is doing this by having women marriage writers and men pastors, write a bunch of long drawn out articles that are one sided, they try to put the blame on women. In the articles the talk is all about the husbands ego, his feelings, needs, his wants. The marriage writers, scold and blame the woman over and over and over again, throughout the articles. They avoid telling to care about the wives feelings and honor her. Strong women will not allow themselves to fall for this propoganda, but weak gullible women give in to it. It is so sad. All women need to do is read the Bible. Don’t be deceived by these fake marriage writers on the internet. Read the Word of God for yourself and you will see and find the truth .It really will set you free.

    For those of you who may be confused and think that I am a troll or that I am looking for an argument, or that I am a feminist trying to get my platform heard. All of this is absolutely not true. I I am a Christian woman who loves the Lord and who tries to live by the Word. I just want women to know that God loves women just like he loves men. I want you all to know that no person on this earth should scold women without scolding men. These articles never scold the men. They try to exalt and worship men and condemn women. We know better. We know that God does not play games and that he told both men and women to treat each other good. These marriage counselors have to answer for their treachery and wrong doings.
    Please know that, God gave men/husbands some awesome responsibilities. Husbands are to be loving servant leaders, who love and honor their wives and lay down their lives for us. But you hardly ever see the marriage writers put those messages in the articles do you?
    Anyway, trust in God and read the Bible. God is on the throne, not marriage counselors, not biased pastors, and not men.


    • Welcome! Thanks for joining in. We are working hard to promote female equality in marriage and in the home. As you can see from my blog, I believe that we must work at this because it will not happen unless we make it happen. I appreciate your words, and invite you to help us. There are two books I recommend. The first, of course, is my book Dethroning Male Headship which came out in May and is available on Amazon. The second is by a Christian marriage counselor who I know very well, Marriage Minutes, which will be available next week on Amazon. Please keep reading and please help out wherever you can.


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